Lake Louise
Haskayne 2024
When I saw the chance to visit Alberta, along with meet and discuss research with prominent DEI researchers - how could I say no?
Super grateful to the Haskayne School of Business, particularly Drs. Sammi Dodson, Nick Turner, and Sandy Herschovis for organizing the 'Working Together: An EDI Workshop' at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary. This opportunity to be a participant and learn from others working on relevant, related, and interesting research was phenomenal .
As a bonus, I got the chance to visit Banff National Park along with the Drumheller Badlands!
AOM 2024
The 2024 Academy of Management (AOM)'s Annual Meeting is around the corner! Taking place in Chicago, I have a busy schedule ahead - including two of my own presentations, which are as follows:
August 12th, 8AM: “Bipolar disorder disclosure: How identity management and educational affiliation matter”
I presented the first two studies of this project at last year's AOM meeting; this year, I'll be presenting our third and fourth studies.
August 13th, 3 PM: "Male allyship: How appearing communal affects men’s careers"
Whereas some have heard me discuss my research on male allyship before, this is the first time I am presenting this work at AOM - which is exciting!
CSIOP 2024
The Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) 's Annual Convention for 2024 is coming up! This national conference is when the Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (CSIOP) also gathers.
I'm excited to be organizing and participating in two panels. They are as follows:
June 21st, 10 AM: “DEI: Diverse, Educational, and Impactful”
Associated with CSIOP, this panel features early-career researchers who will discuss their motivations, experiences, and learnings in conducing research around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the workplace. I will be moderating this panel, which is intended to provide insight into the importance of conducting DEI research for theory, practice, and communities, along with the associated challenges.
June 22nd, 8 AM: “Not just clinical”: Introduction to the many possible career paths in psychology.
Organized via the CPA Student Section, this panel is intended for undergarduate students to learn about possible career paths. I will be speaking about industrial-organizational psychology with regards to what it is, potential careers one can pursue in this field, and my own research.
UCL SOM Diversity Research Day 2024
During the month of May (2024), I visited London (UK) for the first time to attend and participate in the University College London School of Management (UCL SOM)'s Diversity Research Day. This event is an opportunity for diversity scholars within the UK to present their work and discuss research ideas with each other. Events such as these help with networking, gathering feedback, and building community.
This Diversity Research Day, I got to present some research of mine that I hope to submit to a journal soon (fingers crossed). I'm grateful for the positive reception I received, and moreso for this chance to meet others. People shared with me their experiences of working within the United Kingdom and Europe more broadly; it's a different system than that in North America.
I hope to be able to attend future UCL SOM Diversity Research Days given this wonderful community. Thank you to Dr. Ivona Hideg for connecting me to this event, and to Drs. Felix Danbold and Clarissa Cortland for organizing it!
SIOP 2024
I'll be attending the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's Annual Convention for the first time this year (2024).
While in Chicago, I plan to participate in the following:
the Doctoral Student Consortium
as a panelist regarding ‘The Mental Load: A Conversation Between Researchers and Employees/Practitioners’. I'll be stepping in for Ivona Hideg, as I am a collaborator on a paper regarding the mental load.
This will be my first of two trips planned for Chicago this year, and only the first of a few conferences I'll be presenting at this summer! Here's to the beginning of a wonderful conference season.
Presenting at AOM 2023
At the Academy of Management (AOM)'s 83rd Annual Convention (2023), I'll be participating in the following events:
serving as an 'Upper-Year Expert' for the New Doctoral Student Symposium
acting as a discussant for the Advancing Gender Equity and Diversity in the Workplace: The Role of Allyship and Leadership symposium
presenting a paper in the The Plight of the Vulnerable Workplace: Theoretical and Empirical Advancements symposium
I'm looking forward to it as this is my first in-person AOM!
New blog!
I recently wrote a blog on 'Saying No: A Skill and Guide' for HICCUP, a hub meant to shed light on the Hidden Curriculum in Psychology. You can read it on their website.
Presenting at CPA 2023
I'll be speaking at the Canadian Psychological Association's 2023 convention as a panelist with the "Conversation with CSIOP's EDI Working Group." Taking place on Fri. June 23rd at 11 AM, come hear me and the other CSIOP (Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology) EDI working Group members speak about our experience.
I passed my comprehensive exams!
In many PhD programs, students take comprehensive exams, which is meant to test whether students demonstrate a certain level of knowledge and proficiency. These usually occur after students have completed their coursework, and what is exactly tested along with how students are tested can differ by their program or area. For instance, my comprehensive exams included 9 days of writing papers, while I know of others who have 3 hours to write a paper along with an oral exam. Students need to pass these usually to remain and continue in their program.
I wrote mine at the end of April 2023, and am happy to have learned that I passed! Comprehensive exams - in my area, at least - are pass/fail.
Next steps in my PhD program therefore include me teaching, along with developing, proposing, and completing my dissertation!
I was awarded SSHRC!
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) awards doctoral fellowships every year, these being scholarships that doctoral students can hold for up to 4 years. I'm honoured to receive one as decisions are primarily made based on the perceived quality of one's research proposal; that is, the judges liked my submitted research proposal and decided to fund me to conduct this research during the rest of my PhD. More about the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships in general can be found on this website.
New paper published!
During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in North America, there was a rise of anti-Asian racism. Along with Drs. Winny Shen, Ivona Hideg, Christianne Varty, and Anja Krstic, I studied the experiences of East and Southeast Asian Canadian and American employees during this time, specifically how facing COVID-19 related anti-Asian racism impacted their wellbeing and work-related attitudes and behaviours. Our paper on this is now published and available with open-access on the Applied Psychology: An International Review website.
GLRC Graduate Symposium
On October 12, 2022, I will be presenting my project on male allies for gender equality in the workplace at York University's Global Labour Resource Centre's Graduate Student Symposium. My presentation will be part of the Gender Equity, Equality, and Diversity session from 9:15 - 10:45 AM EST. The program for this conference may be found on the Global Labour Resource Centre's website.
OSSU Research Day Presentation
I will be a panelist at the Ontario SPOR Support Unit's Research Day on September 29, 2022 at 10:30 AM, discussing the Youth Wellness Quest project. We will cover how this youth-led research project could become a tool intended and accessible to youth, with youth involved in every part of the project. Update: a video of the panel is now available on Youtube.